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Injured in a Car Accident While Out of State: What Happens Now?

by | Jul 8, 2023 | Personal Injury |

Getting into an auto accident is stressful enough, but it’s even more troubling when it happens out of state. Whether you’ve been involved in a fender bender or a full-on crash, you need a car accident lawyer who understands Texas automotive law and can help you file a claim and ensure you get everything you deserve. At Gamez Law Firm, we’re San Antonio’s preferred auto accident lawyers and can help you every step of the way.

Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer if You Get Into an Out-of-State Accident

Most car insurance policies protect you from out-of-state accidents, but it’s still a good idea to thoroughly review your policy to see what is and isn’t covered. In Texas, you can sue for compensation for doctor’s visits, lingering medical costs, or any issues you might have with missing work, even if you’re not a Texan.While all defendants enjoy protection in Texas, things get a little bit trickier if the accident involves many people, and especially if the defendants are from different states. Generally, you can seek compensation in a state where at least one party lives. It can get tricky when you’re involving multiple parties, which is why it’s always smart to check with a local lawyer.

Seek Medical Help

Even if you don’t think that you’re injured after a car accident, you still need to seek medical care. Some injuries don’t manifest themselves physically until days or even weeks after the accident, and you will want to have some documentation to provide to your insurance company. It’s also wise to get an immediate assessment of your situation in case you need rehabilitative services or any additional care in the future.

Seeing a doctor right away also helps cement your case to insurance companies, and can justify compensation. It’s a necessary step to take for your own personal well-being and health, and to aid you with any legal needs in the future.

Talk to a Local Attorney

Speaking with a local attorney who understands automotive law and is licensed to work in the state where you’ve had your accident is imperative right after your crash, especially if you might incur long-lasting medical bills or need rehabilitation. Make sure that you document everything, get a police report, and get the insurance information of everyone else involved.

Also, the filing deadlines vary from state to state, and local attorneys will be more familiar with the legal system in their particular jurisdiction. It’s especially important to contact a local attorney if you get into an accident with a commercial vehicle because you have the option of suing in Texas, where the accident happened, or in the state where the business has its license.

No-Fault States

There are several no-fault states in the United States. In no-fault states, the insurance covers any medical injuries you might incur as a result of your crash, even if you were the one who caused the crash. Since Texas is a fault state, there could be differences in what your compensation will be. Having a legal team licensed to work in Texas who understands state law and the differences between fault and no-fault states is imperative.

Insurance Minimums

The insurance minimum in the state where you’ve gotten into your crash might be different from the one in your home state. It’s a good idea to bring your policy to our team so that we can review it line by line and look for any discrepancies between your home state and Texas. It’s also a smart play to review your insurance minimums from time to time to see if they’ve changed and make any adjustments as necessary.

Why You Need a Good Car Accident Lawyer

Getting into a car accident out of your home state can shake up your whole world and leave you with plenty of debt and heartache if you don’t know where to turn. Good car accident lawyers licensed in the state you’re suing in can help you recover every bit of compensation that you’re owed for medical bills, injuries, auto damage, and even missed work or lost wages.

Playing Interference With Insurers

Insurance companies can be difficult to deal with in the best of times, and things can become even trickier when you’re dealing with an out-of-state claim. Finding a great attorney who understands automotive law and who has been working with cases just like yours for years is an excellent way to cut through the stress of dealing with insurers.

Everyone on our team is licensed in Texas and can help out-of-towners figure out the best legal course of action in the aftermath of a car accident, no matter where you hail from or who your insurance company might be.

Proving Negligence

If the crash wasn’t your fault, we can help you prove that the other party was negligent. There are several different ways that you can prove negligence, but part of the process is also proving that the person’s negligent actions directly led to you becoming injured. Doing so can be tricky, but you might be entitled to quite a bit of compensation, especially if your injuries are relatively severe. As Texas is a fault state, proving negligence is an important part of getting you the proper compensation.

Leaving Nothing on the Table

There are plenty of things that you can be compensated for after a car crash, but if you go it alone or work with a lawyer who doesn’t specifically understand Texas law, you could be leaving some things on the table. A seasoned team of lawyers will know exactly what you can collect in medical compensation, including long-term medical care, and help you recover every cent.

There are other types of compensation that you might qualify for, depending on the severity of your injuries and the type of insurance that you have. Plenty of people lose wages or miss work as a result of a traumatic car crash, and plenty of insurance policies cover these in the fine print. There’s also the less tangible pain and suffering compensation, which a good lawyer can help you properly calculate.

We Work on a Contingency Fee Basis

Many people forgo hiring a law firm to help them because they’re worried about substantial upfront fees. Our law firm works on a contingency fee plan, which means that you don’t pay anything upfront. Instead, we just take a percentage of the money that you receive at the end of the process. If you’re not working with a lawyer, you’re probably overlooking some compensation you can get, especially if you’re not operating in your home state.

Your Legal Experts in San Antonio

With decades of real-world experience and a thorough knowledge of the law, our attorneys can help make the aftermath of a car crash as easy as possible. We’re licensed and ready to work in Texas and here to help both locals and visitors get the justice they deserve after a crash. If you get into a car crash in Texas, call Gamez Law Firm in San Antonio at 210-951-2024 today.
