Two people’s lives have sadly been cut short in a motor vehicle crash in Texas. The fiery accident involved a car and two semis along Interstate 10. Sometimes, these types of collisions occur due to a driver’s carelessness, which is grounds for litigation.
How the fatal crash occurred
The recent collision took place early in the morning on a Sunday. According to police, after the three vehicles collided, the two semis caught fire. One of the semi-truck drivers — a man who was 53 years old — passed away at the scene of the accident.
A 33-year-old woman who was in the car also passed away at the crash scene. Meanwhile, two other individuals suffered injuries in the crash and were therefore transported to a medical center by helicopter. The accident took place during the bustling Memorial Day weekend travel period.
How an attorney can help following these types of accidents
The police investigation may reveal who was at fault in the tragic truck accident. If the car driver is believed to have caused the crash, then the loved ones of the woman who died in the collision may file a wrongful death claim against the driver. Likewise, if the injured parties were riding in the car, they may file personal injury claims, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. If one of the semi-truck drivers is found to have caused the collision, this person — or his employer and estate in the case of the deceased truck driver — may face wrongful death or personal injury claims in connection with the accident. Successfully fought claims may lead to damages to cover medical bills, burial costs and other related expenses.