It may be easy for many in San Antonio to assume car accidents to merely be the result of careless driving on the part of all involved. This could lead to the false sense of security that one need not worry about the potential of ever being involved in an accident themselves. Unfortunately, the truth is that no one can control the actions of another, and that even the most alert and defensive driver could find him or herself at the mercy of another’s negligence or recklessness.
This fact was on full display in a car accident that recently occurred near Duncanville. To the surprise and shock of many motorists, an SUV entered the freeway from the wrong direction and soon began speeding head-on into oncoming traffic. Many oncoming motorists were able to avoid the vehicle, yet sadly it did eventually collide with a car carrying a young mother. Other’s quickly attempted to come to her aid yet were unable to pull her from her mangled vehicle. She was killed in the collision.
The driver of the SUV also sustained injuries in the crash serious enough to land him in a local intensive care unit. A subsequent investigation by law enforcement officials revealed the man to be drunk at the time of the accident. He is now facing intoxicated manslaughter charges.
The families of victims in accidents such as this one are often left having to cope with severe emotional and financial challenges. Compensation earned through action against those responsible may the only way they have to effectively overcome them. Those needing assistance in pursuing such action may want to seek out the assistance of an experienced attorney.
Source: The Independent “Young mother killed ‘after drunk driver speeds down Texas interstate in wrong direction'” Mindock, Clark, Apr. 25, 2018