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Ride-hailing crashes come with questions of liability

On Behalf of | May 1, 2020 | Car Accidents |

Ride-hailing companies provide a valuable service for people who might not be able to drive or who don’t want to drive around town. While this might sound like a win-win situation for everyone involved, there is a big downside to these services. There isn’t a clear path of liability when an accident occurs and a rider suffers an injury.

The issue that’s present in these cases comes down largely to the status of the driver. Uber and Lyft drivers are typically classified as independent contractors, not employees. This distinction, as well as the fact that this service is newer and the legal precedent hasn’t been set for these cases yet, make it challenging to insist on liability for specific defendants.

Another issue is that these ride-hailing companies consider themselves matchmaking services instead of common carriers. This means that as long as they can remain classified as such, they don’t have to meet the strict requirements that are placed on common carriers, such as bus companies or taxi services.

It is possible to seek compensation after a ride-hailing accident. In fact, taking legal action now can provide you with a valuable opportunity. Not only can you seek compensation for the financial damages you suffered, but you can help to provide a strong message regarding safety for this industry.

If you’re injured in a ride-hailing crash, be sure to seek compensation quickly after the incident. There are time limits set by Texas law. Once these pass, you aren’t able to take legal action so you can’t let them expire. We’re here to help you get your case moving forward while you heal from the injuries.
